<% var ucdToolBarInlineStyle = ''; if (is_myorder && typeof(is_foil_stamp) != 'undefined' && is_foil_stamp ) { if (die_cut_ids && die_cut_ids.length > 0) { ucdToolBarInlineStyle = ' style="height: 306px !important;"' } else { ucdToolBarInlineStyle = ' style="height: 233px !important;"' } } %>
<%= is_admin ? '
  • ' : '' %> <% if(!is_admin && baseView.isCustomColorDesign()) { %> Custom Colors <% } %> Add text box Select Layout <%= is_admin ? '
  • ' : '' %> <% if (!is_admin && !preloading) { %> <% if(foil_colors.length) { %> Foil Color <% } %>
  • 3 && typeof(die_cut_ids) == 'object' && die_cut_ids.length >= 5 ? ' class="BREAK-LINE' + (die_cut_ids.length >= 6 ? ' BREAK-LINE78' : '') + '"' : ''%>>
  • <% } %> <% if (is_admin) { %>
  • Background Color
  • <% if (is_developer) { %>
  • Edit XML
  • <% } %>
  • Show Grid
  • Gradient
  • Replace PNG
  • Auto-Align: name="auto_align" id="auto_align_on" value="1" /> name="auto_align" id="auto_align_off" value="0" />
  • Snap Photo: /> />
  • Quality: /> />
  • <% if(caption.toLowerCase() == 'front' && foil_colors.length) { %>
  • Foil Color
  • <% } %> <% if(baseView.isCustomColorDesign()) { %>
  • Custom Colors
  • <% } %> <% } %>
    <% if (!is_admin && !preloading && !is_scodix) { %>
    style="width: 668px !important;" <% } %>>


    Foil stamping is a specialty printing process where real metallic foil is applied to paper with pressure.
    The result? Elegant, shiny design elements that have a lustrous finish and slightly de-bossed impression.

    <% if(typeof(default_custom_foil_file) =='undefined' || default_custom_foil_file == '') { %>

    Due to the nature of the foil stamping process, foil design elements on your card cannot be moved or modified.

    <% } %>
    <% } %>